© Sonnhof Ayurveda

This centre for European Ayurveda is located in one of the most stunning locations of the Alps – on the high plateau of the Thiersee Valley at 900m above sea level.

© Sonnhof Ayurveda


A place of unique harmony and wellbeing, the Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof nestles in a paradise of nature, where it gently and carefully integrates the philosophy of Ayurveda within a European sensibility. Here, in the heart of the Tyrolean Alps, guests experience the holistic power of Ayurvedic philosophy without the need for long-haul travel to the Indian subcontinent – the birthplace of Ayurveda. Our Ayurveda specialists from India – Gaurav Sharma and Chef de Cuisine Balvinder Walia – work closely with Dr Alaettin Sinop – a GP and specialist in naturopathic medicine – to ensure that you are looked after with competence and professionalism, whilst at the same time promoting a deeper understanding between east and west. The Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof in Austria offers a comprehensive programme that includes short AyurDetox breaks, intensive detoxification programmes, rejuvenation weeks and Rasayana treatments. However, the queen of Ayurvedic treatments is Panchakarma: a two-part therapy plan that includes preparation as well as the principal treatment. An interesting range of skills and expertise also characterises the Ayurveda Resort’s Yoga programmes.


There are 8 different room & suite categories to choose from at the Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof. Your health and wellbeing are of prime importance, so all rooms are Wi-Fi free, although internet access is available in the lounge.


$$$ Expensive


Ayurveda is so much more than simply a healing method or a culinary trend – it’s a way of life! Health is a state of dynamic balance between the body’s elements, while illness indicates an imbalance. Hence, in addition to looking at symptoms we also consider their causes. Ayurveda offers an effective approach to balancing body, mind & spirit. Illnesses are not simply treated at the superficial level, instead balance is restored with highly considered treatments and cures. Profound regeneration, renewed energy and inner balance thus become your new companions in life.

Specialized & focus

Programs & Retreats

Several Ayurveda, weight loss, yoga and panchakarma programmes. In an era characterised by stress and the pressure to achieve, the ‘queen’ of Ayurvedic treatments offers a positive route to long-term regeneration and a new sense of inner equilibrium. A Panchakarma treatment is a tried and tested way of preventing burnout

Every Sonnhof guest is enveloped in the energy and devotion that pervades our retreat.


Sonnhof European Ayurveda
Hinterthiersee 16
6335 Thiersee

© Sonnhof Ayurveda