A place that can open our hearts
Portland, USA
“The Garden speaks to all the senses, not just to the mind alone.”
_ Professor Takuma Tono, Portland Japanese Garden designer
A garden is a place that can open our hearts, unfold our emotions, clear our minds, and bring a sense of peace. Born out of a belief in the excellence of craft. Portland Japanese Garden is a place to let go of worldly thoughts and see oneself as a small but integral part of the universe.
A day in the healing zen garden.
Portland Japanese Garden is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1963 as a place for cross-cultural understanding following World War II. Since opening year-round to visitors in 1967, Portland Japanese Garden has become a global destination for Japanese art, nature, and peace in Portland, Oregon. It is considered the most authentic Japanese garden outside of Japan and the foremost Japanese cultural organization in North America.
The Japanese Garden
in Portland, USA
shinrin-yoku | “forest bathing”
A short, leisurely trip into a forest or natural space to experience the restorative effects of spending time in the stillness of nature.