© Alexander Toskar


Alexander has been engaged with miscellaneous ways of spiritual healing and traditions since early childhood. As one of the first he experienced the Divine Straightening through his father.

The wish for spirituality never diminished, even when Alexander was successfully working as a designer. During this time, due to life circumstances, Alexander made several long trips to India. There he received the clear vision and message to correct his life and to dedicate his whole strength to the service of others and the healing work. Alexander continues the healing work of my father and present it in writing, for the first time, through the book ‘Divine Straightening’. He gives healing treatments and deliver lectures worldwide.

Together with Carolin, he leads spiritual centres in Germany and Switzerland, where they accompany people on their path to health and contentment. Through regular trips to Europe, Asia and the United States, they make this beneficial healing work accessible to a wide public. In 2010 Alexander and Carolin have established the Spiritual Health Foundation. The foundation follows the mission to support the development of spiritual health and well-being of children and dependent people.

I had the most extraordinary session, I was standing there with my eyes closed and I could literally feel the energy running down the whole of my spine… It’s 2 years later now and I have not been back at an Osteopath, I haven’t had any pain.
– Sara Davenport, founder of Breast Cancer Haven, London


Spiritual Healing by Carolin and Alexander Toskar

Divine Straightening® is recognised as a healing assistance for complaints of every kind. And passes the impulse for powerful regeneration and self-healing processes. Experience this spiritual healing with Carolin and Alexander. Many chronic illnesses wouldn’t need to exist, if next to regular medication ‘Medica mente’ meaning ‘healing through the Divine spirit’ stood in the foreground. What is healed indirectly by remedies is healed directly by the divine spirit.

3-Healing is for anyone who is looking for physical, emotional and mental balance. This method draws on universal principles of healing that can be utilized in daily life.

Divine Straightening encompasses the whole human being in his trinity of body, heart and mind.
The transmitted healing impulses in their essence are the basis of an all-embracing healing on the physical, mental and spiritual level of our being. It creates the balance and spiritual order on physical, mental and emotional issues. The transmitted healing impulses create a balance and spiritual order on physical, mental and emotional issues. The moment of Divine Straightening is a moment when we recognize the divine within us. People experience their inner communion with everything living and can become who we truly are – spiritually whole and healthy. Those who come seeking health see and feel the changes on the treatment couch and days later. Thus a woman reports: ‚And it‘s still working. It never fails to bring a smile to my face, because it‘s also expanded what I believe is possible in life.‘


Divine Straightening® Session, 3-Healing® treatment in cases of chronic complaints, mental, emotional encumbrances and in acute situations on request

