HealingGuide.org is an international internet marketing agency and a global collection of exclusive health resorts, wellness- yoga- and detox resorts, healers, health practitioners, healing hotels, wellbeing retreats and online courses.

HealingGuide by:
Thomas Zerlauth, CEO and Founder

UID.NR.: ATU 52521800

Flötzerweg 12
A-6923 Lauterach/ Austria/ Europe
fon: +435574 84846
mobile: +436766396707


Healingguide by Thomas Zerlauth

Data Privacy Statement

Thank you for visiting our website. We take data protection and data security very seriously. Please find below detailed information on what type of personal data we collect when you visit our website, and for what purpose. Please review this privacy statement on a regular basis since legislative changes or changes in the way we process data internally may require adjustments of this privacy policy from time to time.

Transparency and purpose: 
No personal information will be collected without your knowledge. We will collect and process your personal data only for the purposes described in this Policy.

Proportionality and relevance:
 We only collect and process the personal data necessary for the proper processing of your application or customisation of the services proposed to you.

We will retain your personal data only for the period required to process it.

Security and Confidentiality: 
We commit to taking the necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality of the data and prevent its disclosure to unauthorised third parties. In the event of a transfer of data to authorised third parties, we will take appropriate measures to guarantee the security of the transfer.

 This website uses cookies (in a very limited form – actually just as session cookies which will be deleted right after your visit).

In general: Cookies make websites more user-friendly and more efficient for users. A cookie is a small portion of text data which serves to store information. When visiting a website, the website can place a cookie on the computer of the website user. If the user returns to the website later, the website can read information from previously saved cookies and for example ascertain whether the user has already visited the website, and what sections of the website were of particular interest to the user.

Cookies by third parties
: The issue and use of Cookies by third parties are subject to these third parties’ privacy policies. We will inform you of the purpose of the Cookies of which we are aware and the means available for you to make choices regarding these Cookies.

Social networks: 
We may include third-party IT applications on our website which allow you to share content from our website with others or to inform them of your inquiry or opinion regarding our website content. This is true, in particular, of the ‘Share’ and ‘Like’ buttons from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.
 The social network providing these application buttons may identify you using these buttons, even if you do not use them when you visit our website. Indeed, this type of application button can allow the social network in question to track your navigation on our website if your account on this social network is enabled on your terminal (open session) at the time you visit our website. We have no control over the processes used by social networks to collect information about your navigation on our website and linked to the personal data at their disposal. We invite you to consult these social networks’ privacy policies to make yourself aware of the purpose of using the navigation information they may collect through these application buttons, including for advertising. In particular, these protection policies should enable you to exercise your choices on these social networks, particularly through setting your user account parameters on each of these networks.

Your choices concerning cookies
: Several options are available to you for managing Cookies. Any settings you modify are likely to change your Internet browsing and your conditions for accessing certain services requiring the use of Cookies. You can choose, at any time, to express and modify your wishes regarding Cookies.

 The choices you are offered by your browser
. You can configure your browser so that Cookies are stored on your device or, on the contrary, rejected, either systematically or depending on their issuer. You can also set your browser so that you will be offered the choice of whether to accept or reject Cookies each time a Cookie is liable to be stored on your device. Registering a Cookie in a terminal essentially depends upon the desires of the terminal user, which can be expressed or modified at any time, free of charge, through the choices offered by the browser. If, through your browser, you accepted the registration of Cookies in your terminal, the Cookies integrated in the pages and content you view can be stored temporarily in a dedicated space on your device. They will be readable only by their issuer.

 To deactivate Cookies:
Mozilla Firefox: support.mozilla.org/de/kb/Cookies-blockieren
Google Chrome: support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647

Apple Safari: www.apple.com/legal/privacy/de-ww/cookies/

Internet Explorer: windows.microsoft.com/de-de/internet-explorer/delete-manage-cookies #ie=ie-11

Microsoft Edge: windows.microsoft.com/de-de/windows-10/edge-privacy-faq

Google Analytics Statement: 
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

Google Maps 
Our site uses Google Maps on some sub-pages to display interactive maps and to create travel directions or instructions. Google Maps is a map service from Google Inc. (Google). The use of Google Maps may result in information about the use of this website, including your IP address and your (start) address you have indicated within the scope of the driving direction/route planner function, which then may be transmitted to Google in the United States. If you open a page that contains Google Maps, your browser establishes a direct connection with Google’s servers. The map content is delivered by Google directly to your browser and integrated by your browser into the website. Therefore, we have no influence on the amount of data collected by Google in this way. If you do not want that Google collects processes or uses data about you on our website, you can deactivate JavaScript in your browser. In this case, however, you can not use the map function. For more information about the purpose and the scope of data collection as well as further processing and use of data by Google, your rights, as well as setting options to protect your privacy, please refer to the Google privacy notice at www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/.

Use of Facebook plugins: 
On our website, so-called social plugins (“plugins”) of the social network Facebook, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”) are used. The plugins are marked with a Facebook logo or the addition “Social plug-in of Facebook” or “Facebook Social Plugin”. An overview of the Facebook plugins and their appearance can be found here: developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins
When you visit a page of our website that contains such a plugin, your browser connects directly to the Facebook servers. The content of the plugin is transmitted directly from Facebook to your browser and integrated into the page. Through this integration, Facebook is given the information that your browser has accessed the corresponding page of our website, even if you do not have a Facebook profile or are not logged into Facebook. This information (including your IP address) is sent directly from your browser to a Facebook server and stored there.
If you are logged into Facebook, Facebook can directly assign our website to your Facebook profile. If you interact with the plugins, for example, press the “Like” button or make a comment, this information is also sent directly to a Facebook server and stored there. The information is also published to your Facebook profile and displayed to your Facebook friends.
The purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by Facebook, as well as your rights and settings for the protection of your privacy, please refer to the Privacy Policy of Facebook: www.facebook.com/policy.php
If you do not want Facebook to map the data collected through our website directly to your Facebook profile, you must log out to Facebook before you visit our website. You can also completely prevent loading the Facebook plugins with add-ons for your browser, e.g. With the “Facebook Blocker” (http://webgraph.com/resources/facebookblocker/).

Links to Third-Party Websites 
Our website features so-called hyperlinks to websites of other providers. When activating these links, you will be redirected from our website directly to the third-party website. You will recognise this by the URL change, among others. We are not responsible for how these providers handle your data on these external websites, since we have no control over how these providers deal with your personal data. Please visit the websites of the respective providers directly for additional information.

Youtube and vimeo videos 
This website uses the YouTube embedding function to show and play videos of the provider “YouTube”. The advanced data protection modus is employed, which – according to provider information – starts saving user information only after playback of the video(s). Once the playback of embedded YouTube videos has commenced, the provider “YouTube” inserts cookies to collect information about user behaviour. According to “YouTube” notices, this information is used to gather video statistics, improve user-friendliness and prevent inappropriate activities. Independently of the playback of embedded videos, every time this website is loaded, a connection to the Google network “DoubleClick” is established, which may cause additional data processing procedures that are beyond our control. You can review further “YouTube” data protection information in the data privacy policy of the provider: www.google.com/policies/privacy/

Our website has plugins of the video portal Vimeo of Vimeo, LLC, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA embedded. When you load one of our web pages that contains such a plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection to Vimeo servers. Vimeo transmits the content of the plugin directly to your browser and embeds it on the page. Through this embedding, Vimeo receives the information that your browser has loaded the respective page on our website, even if you do not possess a Vimeo account or are not logged in at Vimeo. This information (including your IP address) is transmitted from your browser directly to a Vimeo server in the U.S. and saved there. If you are logged in at Vimeo, Vimeo can assign the visit on our website directly to your Vimeo account. If you interact with the plugins (e.g. clicking the start button on a video), this information will also be transmitted to a Vimeo server and saved there. For more information on the purpose and extent of the data collection and the data use through Vimeo, as well as on the respective rights and setting options to protect your privacy, please read the Vimeo privacy policy: vimeo.com/privacy If you do not wish that Vimeo assigns your data collected on our website to your Vimeo account, you need to log out of Vimeo before you visit our website.

Google fonts
This website uses external typefaces from Google Fonts. Google Fonts is a service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). These web fonts are embedded by making a request from a server, usually a Google server in the United States. Data about which of our web pages you have visited is then transmitted to the server. Google also stores the IP address of the device browser used by the person visiting these web pages. You will find more detailed information in Google’s data protection notices, which you can view here: www.google.com/policies/privacy/ and www.google.com/fonts#AboutPlace:about